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Boost Operational Efficiency in Community Home Care: A Real-Life Evaluation

Boost Operational Efficiency in Community Home Care: A Real-Life Evaluation

Discover how CINCH CCM's 5-minute online evaluation helped a large Midwest home care agency, operating in four communities, identify operational challenges and productivity opportunities. Their overall score was 14 out of 100. This led to their decision to use CINCH CCM with their current home care platform, Kantime.



Diversify and Stabilize Revenue

Diversify and Stabilize Revenue

Owners of home care agencies are well acquainted with the volatility of their revenue stream. They provide services to some of the frailest people in our population, including those at the very end of their lives. Coupled with the fact that a client may abruptly decide they want.

How Good Caregiver Utilization can Increase ROI

How Good Caregiver Utilization can Increase ROI

The only way you will be able to serve the community for an extended period is to do it efficiently, which means making a profit. No profit, no product.

When Gina and I were first asked to provide community based home care, we did our homework before delving in..

How Home Care Agencies Can

How Home Care Agencies Can "Shut the Back Door" in Independent Living Communities

In the realm of Independent Living Communities, there's a common struggle shared by many: helping residents remain at home in their community apartment instead of departing prematurely. This challenge came to light for me during a conversation with the director of an independent living community, shortly after our home care agency.

Navigating Short Visits in Independent Living: A Guide for Home Care Agencies

Navigating Short Visits in Independent Living: A Guide for Home Care Agencies

In the realm of Independent Living (IL) communities, providing exceptional care requires more than just good intentions—it demands the right tools and technology. 

Our Experience

As former owners of a home care agency, my husband Tim and I, understand these challenges firsthand. Despite our best efforts, we found ourselves struggling.

Offer VERY short visits

Offer VERY short visits

Have residents or their family members in your community ever complained that they don’t want to pay for a 15-minute visit because there’s only a task or two  to complete? When residents only need help with simple tasks like taking medications or putting on compression hose, they often ask for.

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