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Community Ready

This is for agencies who have decided to offer community care services and for agencies looking to improve their community care services. Community Ready includes all materials from our Prepare and Ramp Up consulting packages along with 2 hours of consulting time.

Community Ready

The Community Ready Package takes agency owners through the journey of finding optimal communities to providing well managed community care services. Consulting is provided by the former home care agency owners who successfully managed over 150 clients in several communities while developing CINCH. You will receive practical knowledge, what worked, and what didn’t along with the tools to grow this lucrative business line. Community Ready will enable you to operate more efficiently and achieve higher staff, community and client (resident) satisfaction.

The Community Ready package includes:

  1. Two hours of consulting service.
  2. If currently providing community care, a full review of your operations and creation of project plan to meet your goals.
  3. Access to the CINCH Demonstration Community which can be used in presentations to communities.
  4. Webinars and marketing resources to build your understanding of these services and give you the ability show your potential partners how you will serve their residents.
  5. Documents including Agency Protocols, Setting Expectations, Insights on Pricing and more.

Click here for a full table of contents.

$495 (US)
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