How to Use Your Home Care Platform with CINCH - No Integration Required

Join the founders of CINCH CCM as we share our real-life experiences as home care agencies owners efficiently using CINCH CCM to manage home care in independent communities’ side-by-side with a leading home care platform with NO INTEGRATION REQUIRED.
We will share the methodology developed to synchronize/update data in each platform to effectively leverage the strengths of each. The methodology developed addresses each key role in the agency to run the overall business to include community-based home care.
During this webinar you will learn:
- The big picture of how and what CINCH CCM is used in conjunction with your home care technology platform.
- How to set up a community as a client in your home care technology platform, and to create caregiver shift schedules associated with a community.
- How care coordinators/schedulers use CINCH to set up and configure communities, create client and caregiver profiles, how schedulers create caregiver visit schedules and monitor the completion of these visits.
- How administrators can run reports in CINCH and complete invoicing.
- How caregivers clock-in to your home care platform and then use the CINCH caregiver application to start and manage client home care visits.
- How payroll is run in your home care technology platform.
- Q and A.